Picture: Entrance Cultivar Logo
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Directions How to find our little piece of heaven

This is how you find us easily or just use your GPS and it will lead you directly to us! In case you need assistance, please do not hesitate to contact our team and we will be happy to help you find the way.

Directions from Cape Town Airport via N2

Turn left onto N2 – direction of Somerset West.
Then turn left onto R310 (Baden Powell – Exit 33) turn-off to Stellenbosch.
Turn left at Stellenbosch Hills and follow roads
Turn left at T-junction onto M12.
Turn left onto Bonniemile Road & drive for ± 1,1 km until you reach the hotel.

Directions from Cape Town via N1

Turn onto N1 – direction Paarl
Then turn left onto Exit 39, turn left at stop sign onto R304 – direction Stellenbosch.
Turn left at 4th traffic light onto Adam Tas Road R44 – direction Strand.
Turn left at 3rd traffic light & continue with Adam Tas Rd which becomes the M12.
Turn left into the Bonniemile Road & drive for ± 1,1 km until you reach the hotel.

Directions From Somerset West via R44

Turn into R44 – direction of Stellenbosch.
Then turn left at traffic light into Annandale Road (Mooiberge Farm Stall on the right hand side of road).
Turn left at stop into R310 (fuel station opposite the road) – direction Stellenbosch.
Turn left at Stellenbosch Hills.
Turn left at T-junction into M12.
Turn left onto the Bonniemile Road & drive for ± 1,1 km until you reach the hotel.

Directions From George/ Somerset West Via N2

Then turn left onto R310 (Baden Powell – Exit 33) turn-off to Stellenbosch.
Turn left at stop – direction of Stellenbosch.
Turn left at Stellenbosch Hills and follow the road.
Turn left at T-junction into M12.
Turn left into the Bonniemile Road & drive for ± 1,1 km until you reach the hotel.

Directions From Franschhoek via R310

Turn left onto R310 – direction of Stellenbosch.
Turn left at 2nd traffic light onto R44 (then becomes Adam Tas Road after next traffic light).
Turn left at 3rd traffic light & continue with Adam Tas Road which becomes the M12.
Turn left onto the Bonniemile Road & drive for ± 1,1 km until you reach the hotel.

Directions From Paarl via R44

Turn left onto R44 (Exit47) – direction of Stellenbosch.
Go straight with R44 & turn left at 6th traffic light (Stellenbosch Station will be on your left after 6th traffic light)
& continue with Adam Tas Rd which becomes the M12.
Turn left into the Bonniemile Road & drive for ± 1,1 km until you reach the hotel.
